KIND Rust Remover
Removes rust and makes rust resistant with liquid inhibitor
KIND Surfacer
Zinc Rich premier dan topcoat anti korosif
Dapat mematikan karat dengan mengubah menjadi lapisan primer
KIND SeaGard
Perlindungan Untuk Kapal dari teritip
KIND Ecotar hg
Epoksi with Coal and Tar - Cat Anti Abrasi
KIND DuraChlor
Heavy duty anti corrosive and anti fouling
KIND DuraChem
Chemical Resistant Paint
KIND EpoxFloor
Epoxy Floor Paint
KIND RoadMarx
Cat Marka Jalan
KIND TopCryl
Excellent Color - Acrylic Based Top Coat
KIND DuraPox
Durable Epoxy Based Coating for Extreme Environment
KIND DuraThane
PolyUrethane Based Coating for Extreme Environment